Truisms are dangerous. It is true to say that ideas count for nought.
It is also true to say a bad idea executed very well is costly. Plans, milestones, and KPIs, can all lock in trajectories doomed to fail. So, what can we do about it?
The Good Ideas Factory is where the art of creativity meets the science of innovation.
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“Innovation and creativity is part science, part art. It takes discipline and benefits from process, but values tangents and detours more than linear progress”
Everyone from a startup founder to global conglomerate, needs “a good idea”. Why?
Because excellent execution of a bad idea can be disastrous, whether it be a big change of direction, or just the next incremental shift that locks you deeper into a pathway that doesn’t make sense.
Good ideas are underpinned by good thinking, so that execution can fly unhinged.
A hot take from people Tosh has worked with or for:
How this normally works:

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The proof of the innovation pudding is in the eating, so here are ideas I am chewing on
Can we dig it?
Australia needs(needed?) a sovereign wealth fund for battery metal mining. So I started a campaign called “can we dig it”. Unfortunately there was a lack of political courage to pursue this, but it led me into ”SuperCharge Australia” and I continue to explore options for battery metal mining and value adding in Australia
This was my 5 year focus from 2015-2020 - building out a SaaS platform for distributed energy solutions. BOOM cuts distributed energy transaction costs by 70%+ and has become the go to platform for zero emissions home electrification BOOMPower in line with the inception vision
I’ve been mentoring and building a mutual support relationship with Founder Matt Green. We strive to be 1) better people 2) better business builders 3) better investors of time and money roughly in that order. Check out bodyguide - its been a game changer for me
An ambitious subdivision and township proposed for Clarkefield, aiming to be carbon neutral on the subdivision infrastructure, while creating a platform for carbon neutral living for residents. I hav been a sustainability Director at APD Developments who are behind the project and continue to work with the team to ensure stretch goals can be delivered comercially
Working with the team at wood4good to refine its financial model, test key constraints on growth, and find partners to scale past 60,000ha of regenerative forestry assets. Because “regen forests” are the lowest risk, highest impact path to store carbon, restore biodiversity and substitute hard to abate emission sources.
The act of “making tracks” in a cybertruck. Just being suitably cryptic for now - but I have to confess I have become quite infatuated with Tesla’s Cybertuck, and think this is arguably the most interesting automative platform ever built. More to come.
Citrusbythesea is a small scale experiment in land use economics, regenerative economy and how the human experience is affected by time in nature, with a focus on enhancing innovation and sustainability practices. Come and stay sometime, and see what it is all about

Tosh leads thinking - and acting. He highlighted the benefits of a modern sovereign wealth fund for Australia, in advance of contemporary debate, and backed this by funding and executing a national advocacy campaign.
His assistance and support developing the thinking behind the Supercharge Australia project has been invaluable to accelerate progress of the associated high-value lithium battery value chain project in Australia. Thank you Tosh, and look forward to more.